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Thursday, April 5, 2012

And the Mets are Tied for 1st Place!

Although it was very quiet on the train ride in, and the majority of parking lots before the game, the stadium filled in nicely, and got very loud on a couple of occasions (Johan final batter, and D Wright's RBI), which was very refreshing.

Couple other observations:
1) The newly minted Party Deck looks great, and a place I'd love to watch the game from (as well as the Mo's Zone)
2) They repeatedly threw breaking ball after breaking ball after breaking ball to Ike Davis; it will be interesting if this is what each team will do (if that's the book on Davis), and how he adjusts to this. I'm not as big of a fan of Ike as a lot of other people, as I don't view him as a complete player (yet), and he may struggle to hit .250 if he faces a plethora of off-speed pitches. Yes, he has tremendous power and could still hit 30 HRs with a .250 batting average, but I just perceive people think he's a .285, 30 home run guy already.
3) The lines for food looked long throughout the game (at least where I was in promenade left field), and heard multiple other people mention this today as well. Most likely this won't be an issue the majority of the year as there won't be 40,000+ people each game.

I will be in attendance for Saturday's afternoon match-up with the Braves as well, so if you have any questions, or any views of the park you want me to feature, let me know. I only took a few pictures today, not my usual 200.

But overall, it was probably my most enjoyable Citi Field opener thus far, and it really is beginning to feel like "home", although nothing like Shea ;)

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